The tides, rising, falling, following the moon...

Welcome to my story. It is my daily story. An artist and art instructor, writer, and teacher, I hope to provide some solace, some laughter, some suggestions, some stories; and, a few ideas to those who decide to read me. Come sit with me on my deck, overlooking a constantly moving river. I'll have an iced tea with lemon, or a glass of wine if the sun should set just so. You are, of course, invited to sit and enjoy along with me. But know this: I'll want to know if you have any stories, and I always take pictures to preserve the moments.

The river serves to remind me that we live out cycles much as the river washes in and out according to the heartbeat of the ocean. Can you hear the heartbeat of the universe?

Well, you can try. Smile.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dos Animales

Diego & DiOnna :: chacha in the house

Cha-cha I used to describe their energy in my house. They have proven to me that pets can be healing and sometimes, too  human-like and demanding. Diego has definiely decided he is house-daddy and has the means to press his message. Dionna is just the most loving of me ever....she knows who is boss so doesn't press it too badly. She's a very good Yorkie except for being highly demanding of my attention.

Anyways, we, the trio on Joshua's Landing, are doing finely....holding our own, running on the edge of outlaw, (JOKE) but we are working on getting everything straight so I can de-stress over deadlines missed, and forms not completed, money that could have been made or saved if not for Procrastination and Denial.

Happy chacha in your own house...Let me know if you happen to read me!

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