The tides, rising, falling, following the moon...

Welcome to my story. It is my daily story. An artist and art instructor, writer, and teacher, I hope to provide some solace, some laughter, some suggestions, some stories; and, a few ideas to those who decide to read me. Come sit with me on my deck, overlooking a constantly moving river. I'll have an iced tea with lemon, or a glass of wine if the sun should set just so. You are, of course, invited to sit and enjoy along with me. But know this: I'll want to know if you have any stories, and I always take pictures to preserve the moments.

The river serves to remind me that we live out cycles much as the river washes in and out according to the heartbeat of the ocean. Can you hear the heartbeat of the universe?

Well, you can try. Smile.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Taking responsiblity: confession of a toxic procrastinator

Ah, finally some breathing room. There is no excuse not to do all the things I have in the past procrastinated from doing. I am dealing with procrastination as an old friend who needs to go now. She has been a drain on me. I have to recognize her for who she is and give her the boot, so to speak.

It has taken me two years of living in the ditches that I have dug as a result of procrastination. I know it is a toxic level of procrastination, because it made me sick. I could think of 7 to 11 ;-) things I NEEDED to, SHOULD do, and the more of them I thought of, the sicker I got. I felt overwhelmed. I felt like i was inside of a big math problem, boxed inside the problem, and I couldn't figure the way out. So things just piled up around me.

After allowing myself to feel the weight of the results of my decisions, I finally came around. I made a positive move, one I dreamed of and I believe was fulfilled through my faith, and took hold of my environs. Am I completely cured of procrastination? No. I have my moments when decisions overwhelm me again. But there are ways to cope and conquer this feelings.


1. There is always of trail of "things" wherever I have been!  I can follow the trail, pick things up, and deposit them in proper places.
2. If there ARE no proper places, then one must be made.
3. There should be nothing on the floor but the carpet and rugs. Take care of that.
4. Kitchen should ALWAYS be clean. Clean all dishes throughout the day. Keep countertops clean.
5. It is good to have a "made bed."  Change sheets at least once per week. It's wonderful & keeps the bedbugs from sleeping with you. Air your bed and pillows as often as possible.
6. Organization should be apparent, even to me! LOL
7. Don't take yourself seriously. But remember that your life is a valuable gift & you deserve to live the richness of it and all the tasks that are part of enjoying it.
8. Find or create a place to "chillax" with a glass of Arizona pomegranite green tea.

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